Megan in Ireland - v. 2.0


2003-08-25: Touring Ireland

Hello all!

I finally am home for a day off for the first time in six weeks, so I get a chance to catch up on everything.

Okay, I want to give you a rundown of my personal highlights from the trip with the fam...

First of all, it was absolutely wonderful to receive the package from home. Thanks so much to everyone for putting it together. It was a lot of fun distributing gifts to all the vols, because, as I told my parents, we are poor people and we enjoy small things for ourselves.

Johnnie Fox's was also great, as it was the first time that my parents and I got to have a beer together. Everything from July 15 and 16 was also fun because I got to demonstrate my impressive knowledge of the area, and Warren got the chance to hang out with my crazy family. There were several moments where I had to stop him from running screaming in the opposite direction. One cool moment: Pierce Brosnan (sp?) was sitting at some set in Bray and we accidently walked past him after our hike to Bray Head. Very surreal. James Bond in working class Ireland - riiight.

Other interesting things...trespassing and dragging family with to check out ruins of Hore Abbey (Rock of Cashel very imposing); driving into a park in Cork City (ah yes, wonderful driver that I am); happening upon an amazing stone circle (Drombeg) which was not touristy and full of pagan magik...; breathtaking scenery everywhere (feels like driving through Lord of the Rings or Braveheart or something); Cliffs of Moher as one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen in my life - it is almost impossible to believe anything that beautiful is real; Inisheer and the crazy stone fence builders (Lauren and I decided they are so bored on the island that they loose their minds and build random fences everywhere - the place is like a giant maze - very cool); Galway as a great party town with a very cool night vibe; Newgrange/Knowth as representative of our ancient beginnings - imagination runs wild; Lauren showing me the ropes for shopping in Dublin, which I have passed on to many more people - thank you for your insight Wue; ceilidh and Sheila's where we danced and said goodbye which was harder than the first time because I was remembering everything I missed about everybody. You can't anticipate what you are going to miss when you first leave.

Surprisingly (or maybe not) I really missed Glencree, and it felt great to be back in my own bed. The next day all the vols had the day off, so we all packed into the van (one in the boot) and headed to Kilmore Quay. We packed a lunch and found a beach where there were maybe two other groups. Then we played in the waves and sand (frisbee and touch football) all day. It was absolutely brilliant and a beautifully sunny day!

Cheers and hugs and kisses to all!


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