Megan in Ireland - v. 2.0


2003-05-11: Donegal

Hello all!

I'm sorry I stink at e-mailing and such. This week should get better...I've got a bit of a routine now. I forgot to tell you all about seeing the ocean in Donegal! It was beautiful. I walked on wet sand in the rain, freezing cold and by myself, and loved it! Everyone is great here, and it is a strange place. It is like the entire world keeps happening around Glencree, and the Centre exists a world apart from it. I forgot another thing! There was a fire in the Canada Room the night that I was flying to Ireland! It is a meeting room, but there had been a party in there, and someone's smoke started a fire on the couch. It was put out though, so everything is fine now. Crazy! I started working on Monday. Cleaning the first day, which involves cleaning the entire Centre after a group has left. Then I was in the kitchen for four days. They are really long days with a start at 8ish and finish up at 8:30 pm or so when there is a big group. This is tough, but ok still. I am really enjoying everything, and I still laugh a little to hear all the crazy little Irish sorts running around chatting in their crazy accents! Hoping to go to Dublin tomorrow with the roomy. Cheers! xox Megan


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