Megan in Ireland - v. 2.0


2003-05-04: Arrival

Hello everyone!

I love you all and miss you and wish you were here! Plane ride was atrocious...I had to take a shuttle randomly placed to get to the right terminal and such. A bunch of volunteers picked me up at the airport. We went back to the Centre, which is absolutely beautiful, if a little rustic (shower water is brown due to peat filtration), and immediately I met my roomate who had also just arrived (Claire from the States) and then we had a meeting. The topic of the meeting was a weekend trip to Donegal which is on the Western coast of Ireland, and we had to go through Northern Ireland to get to it! We stayed at a summer home and just hung out. I went on a walk and got drenched. It rains all the time and is really cold, even inside. But it isn't that bad when you get to go to a real Irish pub to listen to traditional Irish music and drink a few pints of Guinness! Absolutely awesome! I start work duty to begin. Think of all I've done already! Ok, there are two people waiting so must go, but xoxoxoxoxoxoxox Megan E-MAIL ME


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