Megan in Ireland - v. 2.0


2003-06-18: My weekend and Irish-style driving

So, I am really starting to feel completely at home here, to the point where I forget that I am in another country. It feels in many ways that this is part of my life which keeps throwing loops and challenges at me.

Ok, so I had two days off in a row, and for me to relax (you may know me as a slightly neurotic North American - surprise!) I have to leave the place where I live and work. So, Saturday was great because the South African group invited us along on a day trip. They had rented a bus and were taking a scenic tour which ended in Glendalough. So, Warren, Anke, Sarah, and I went along. It was wonderful. An absolutely beautiful day (I actually got sunburnt!), and we took the Military Road to Lara (sp?) which gives you a great idea of what the Wicklow mountains are really about. Then we went into the Glenmalure valley and explored for a couple hours. It was really great, and actually had trees! It reminded me a little of the cabin. Finally, we ended up in Glendalough at the site of monastic ruins. This was nice, but it reminded me of the ruins in Mexico (Teotihucan?) where there are way too many tourists. At least it gives me free range to do the touristy thing, like taking a picture of me hugging the Celtic cross in hopes of a wish coming true. I still want to yell out 1) I'm not from the States! and 2) I live here...I am not a tourist!

On Sunday, we had another gorgeous day, so I organized a hike along a Famine Road, which was part the the government creating work programs during the Famine. The strange thing about the road is that it was never meant to go anywhere, just to create jobs. It was a great walk through the "wood" with me singing...Robin Hood and Little John running through the forest...Anyway...The forest is very different here as there is little ground vegetation, and most of the trees are planted by humans. Canada in the future?

Last, I want to tell you about driving in Ireland. I have been driving quite often, and today I drove for the first time without another driver in the car. Imagine Megan blasting(figuratively often) around Ireland in some sort of minibus on the other side of the road. Indeed this is a frightening thought. I am doing well though (I hope...I make mistakes once in a while and all).

(Please send $$$$ all who read this...hee hee)

xox Megan


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